
Sunday, June 13, 2010

Shocking News from a Friend.

i met this cute guy in my Intercultural Relations class this semester(that has ended recently)
he's from China but his mind is quite different,i can tell after chatting a lot with him haha (we are consider good friends now =) )
anyways,his english is quite good i must say
also the fact he loves western stuff,like me! =D
anyway we were supposed to go out for lunch on June 10th but he didn't replied my text on the 9th when i asked him if it's confirmed.
so later on the 11th he apologize to me on facebook and told me that he's pretty upset about something. but then again,i wasn't mad at him or something haha
so i asked him what is on his mind,why is he upset.
it seems that his best friend,a girl, had wrote 'i am dead or i am going to die' on her MSN and of course he asked her what's going on and stuff
and she told him that doctor had found a tumor in her brain and that she has to go through operation soon in Shanghai and the fact that she is going to die hence why he's feeling so sad.
he asked me if he should buy an air ticket back to Shanghai now to see her before she goes in for operation or not and before i could answer him he already offline and said he's sorry to bother me.
i was chatting with Ruth and i haven't got to his conversation and i feel so so sorry and sad for him so i dropped a message on his facebook telling him what i think and apologizing for not replying to him. =.="

anyway i hope his friend will be alright,i'm now quite worried about him. gahhh~ this is driving me insane.


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