
Monday, June 8, 2015

Inconsiderate Bastards are everywhere....

When work is underappreciated, you'll automatically feel demotivated.

Should you let your staff feel demotivated after having to force them work on public holidays and Sunday when they could be resting at home?


On another note:

I gave hints that i am heading to the office after the event because i had to drop a colleague off there.

There were 2 other guys heading to the office to drop off equipments but nobody took the hint and offer their help to send my colleague there for me, knowing i live far away from the office. NOBODY. 

I had to turn in to drop that colleague off, turn back into the highway and send my other colleague home and drive my ass home. In what could take about 40mins to drive myself home i took 2 fucking hours instead. 

I'm happy to drive them home but who is gonna pity me because i have to wake up 5.30am the next fucking day and go to work? Inconsiderate people are everywhere. Real bastards.