
Sunday, January 24, 2010

A Jokingly Fight (Not Really)

today at church after the pastor of the senior pastor finished his message,me and Keilah went to the ladies and after that i saw my bro talking to him & Ben so i decided to walk over to see what they were talking about,then Keilah followed me.

later on after my bro left,he was reading Beau's (it is read as Bo,not sure if thats the real spelling coz thats what i saw on her fb,could be a nickname) cheerleading stuff book. so at that time i didnt know it was her cheerleading diary and i thought it IS her personal diary (but wondering why wud someone carry their personal diary out lol) so i asked him 'why are u reading people's stuff?' then he said 'nono its her english subject book' then Keilah asked 'are u in year 11 or 12 now?' then Beau replied 'i'm in year 11 this year and thats not my english subject book,its my cheerleading diary' then i was like >.<" ..... then he went and read out loud 'the capital letter J...' den Beau snatched the book away LOL! she was like 'nono dont read that! i gtg byeeee!' and took her bag n left! lol...

so then Keilah is standing on my right and he was sitting in front of me..and then Monica came to my left and of course without hesitating i gave her a really huge hug!!! i missed her really. so yeah then he was asking me what i studied and stuff den Keilah budged in and asked 'yeah i really didnt know what you're studying, which uni are u in?' then i replied 'mac uni' then shes like 'omg,i didnt know,wait,how come u have classes now? are u with sibt?' then i said yes. haha... then he was asking what's sibt and stuff so Keilah did the explaining for me..weeee! save my energy lol! so yeah he was asking Keilah about the registration thingy in Mac Uni then she was talking to him den later Monica joined in the conversation and Keilah and Mon was talkin to each other sayin how Mac Uni is shitty coz they changed all the course subjects now and blah blah and i happened to talk to him,i asked him how long is he gona be away and he said five weeks! noticed how Monica and Keilah are talking,they are talking across me and i am talking with him which makes me talking across them its so hard lol...coz i'm facing him and they both are facing each other but in the middle is where our voices cross over..hahahahah! then later on he was telling me he's going back to Malaysia (Just in Penang for 3-4days) then of coz i asked him to go around and try out the foodsssss! LOL. then he told me he bought a DSLR coz i told him to take more pics,he also told me he'll be alone in Edinburgh for 4 days,how boring and scary haha!

later on, he started to become playful >.<" as in he started to poke/tickle Monica and at that time i was thinking 'nobody messes with my Mon Mon' LOL...then i started to poke him,sort of not allowing him to bully Monica,hahahah..coz i know his weakness is getting tickled. so yeah i started poking him and then he almost screamed LOL then he was like yelling and grab my hand and would not let go lol and his left hand was trying to poke Monica and she was kinda struggling to poke him as well,Ben walked passed and saw us and said to him 'dude,u're not gona win' LOL!!! haahahaha..which was so true!! we started poking him like madddd...that was so fun! hahaha..

so yeah later on Jo invited everyone over to her place to watch 5 movies,i said i cant coz i've got work to be done plus i'm having finals this week itself.damn!!!! sigh plus i'm gona missed him real baddddddd once he's gone!!!!!!!!


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