
Monday, July 26, 2010

Tiring Day @ Uni

having a very big uni with huge compound is not FUN.
it only makes your uni look good but when you are really running around,ITS NOT FUN!!

i went for enrolment today
sat for the preparation session,talking at the back with Legolas and Jack,never paid attention
went for the academic advising,my surname starts with L so have to be 12-1pm.
waited with the others.
found out that i need to waive a subject because stupid SIBT that i studied in did not offer ICOM100
and i took ICOM101 last semester
i'm in my second year and i need to take ICOM201 and ICOM203
to take these two subjects you need a pre-requisite of ICOM100 and ICOM101
to get the waive approval we need to get someone to sign the form from Y3A building which is located SO FAR from where we are
so me,jack and fiona and Nydia went to find the person in charge to sign our forms
while looking for the person,we bumped into Daniel and Sherraine
so all of us got her to sign and went back to E7B building which is like SO FAR.
then finally went to do the enrolment in the labs
from downstairs go upstairs then come back downstairs twice and went back upstairs finally to enrol. wtf la wei...

finally the nightmare is over then had to walk all the way to another building to do student ID.
wtf wei..i look like shit already now u call me do student ID?
fine la..not the prettiest ID ever it sucks like hell!


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