
Monday, July 26, 2010


oh today i have the most sentimental and emotional and one of the best SEE day ever!
today's discussion was about ENCOURAGEMENT!
i want you readers to think whether you have encouraged someone today? this week?
anyway Monica came up with this game where each of us(9 girls) are given a piece of A4 paper and we're supposed to write our names in the middle and pass the paper around for everyone to leave an encouragement comment on it!
each paper should consist of 8 comments.
when i got my paper back i wanted to read it but i know i'd probably start crying so i folded it and shoved it into my bag and came home and read it!
true enough,i cried. it's tears of joy so don't worry! :)
they're so sweet and what they wrote is so touching!
and i just found out,a few of them wrote that i give the warmest hugs! wow i didnt know that! :D
now i do!

so readers,always think of words of encouragement to say to others,you'll never know whose day you've brighten up or given hope to someone who is feeling real down and dead end.
the thing with Asians is we're always so negative and we tend to bad mouth people or say mean things to each other!
can you for once,not be so shallow and try to help others by saying something encouraging? i know i've been doing that the moment i met these lovely people from church because they say the sweetest things!
i'm making this my goal for life to keep saying words of encouragement to others! be it a stranger or people i know! I MUST ENCOURAGE AND GIVE HOPE!
i know i need a lot of encouragement and hope right now and also,if not for my church friends i think i would've long given up to stay in Australia and carry on this journey because i know God put them in my life for a reason and i know God has great plans for my future and imma live it up to God!
Praise Jesus! Amen!


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