
Thursday, January 13, 2011


wah..i cooked 2 dishes today, both are simple vegetables. granny asked me to cook, say i should learn so that next time when i get married i can cook for my hubby. LOL.

i can cook lahhh...i just seldom cook because i don't get to use the stove and all,i can even bake, i used to help my mom bake and made pancakes before, even my brother loves the pancakes i make. HAHA! oh well, next time i'll cook more when i get the chance to practice. i remember once i made pancakes, my brother almost finished it ALL. it was supposed to be for everyone, mom, dad, bro and me but i only managed to eat 1 piece, my parents ate few pieces and my bro ate the most! i even made 1 huge piece the size of the pan but my bro ate it. =.="

my brother used to make me cook for him when i'm at his place too. which is nice because i like cooking. i think cooking is like art, and i believe if someone is feeling sad and happens to cry during cooking, the person who eats the dish will feel the feeling too. so yes people, try to calm whatever feeling you're feeling during cooking, it helps a lot. if you're happy, all the more better! :)



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