
Monday, October 11, 2010

Spammers Rant

you know how annoying spammers are right? especially when they are not your friend, or worst, they are a bot.

a bot is a type of program that people type in instructions and then let it run so that it will randomly spam people's blog and emails and MSN or whatever. it is all programmed by people and the bot works like a robot.

i noticed how me and my friends are getting lots of spams lately by bots in our blogs, it is annoying the hell out of me and i think this must be stop! i have always had to log in to cbox and report spams and then delete the posts. otherwise it is just taking up my cbox and i won't be able to know or see if my friends have dropped a message.

anyways,people, beware of bots spamming your emails because it could be a fraud or a spyware or even virus that could easily bring your laptop or pc to its grave. i know you wouldn't want that for your beloved laptop or pc don't you? so i suggest you to take alert and try blocking all the spams if you can.



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