
Tuesday, December 21, 2010

What I Feel.

i saw my friend's status on FB saying 'how can people be so cruel sometimes?' and it got me thinking. yes, the humans now are quite inhumane, if you really follow the news globally you would know and especially to all Malaysians, this would totally makes sense to you. even dogs are more humane than the humans. what a shame!

well i felt like putting this out there.

God gave you a heart, so use to to LOVE.
God gave you a brain, so fill it with WISDOM.
God gave you a tongue, so learn to speak WORDS OF ENCOURAGEMENT and do not speak ILL of people.
God gave you a pair of eyes, so use it to see the proof/evidence before YOU JUDGE SOMEONE.
God gave you a set of ears, so you could be quick to LISTEN when people are giving you advices or teaching.

Basically, God gave you a life, He wants you to LOVE people, even your enemies, do not seek revenge as it is the work of the devil but be nice to people even if they are not nice to you. Use wisdom to find a solution and lean not on your own understanding. And always remember, God will not let the guilty go unpunished + God will never give you more than what you can handle. He wants you to handle your problems so that you may learn something out of it, sometimes it is testing patience. I dare say my patience has increased and I'm proud of it even though what i went through is not the best of times. I pray everyday that all my friends would have a great day and be safe! because I truly love you all. I may not say this often but I'm slowly learning to express what I feel because I don't want to take the risk of tomorrow because what if tomorrow will never come, at least I want you all to know deep down in my heart, there's a place for all of you and I'll always keep you guys in my prayers. mwaaaaahhh I love you. =)



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