
Thursday, September 1, 2011

Sometimes I really feel like punching someone in the face.

speaking of people not appreciating their God given body and treating it with much respect and value.

today, a "friend" of my friend told her that she's a stupid dumbf*ck.

all because of a small fact/info that my friend doesn't know or hasn't come across. hey,being naive can be good okay?!

her friend just got back with her ex-boyfriend and said that she's horny because it has been so long since they had any action. she said 'she's so horny until her hymen grew back' and my friend believed her that hymen grows back. so she called my friend a 'stupid dumbf*ck.

well, how cheap can you get? calling someone else names isn't gonna make yourself feel better. God gave you a body - holy temple and therefore you must treat it with respect and value. instead you go sleeping around with your boyfriend and god knows who else you been sleeping with?

at least a naive person has more sense and respect for themselves than you.

just because you knew a fact doesn't give you the right to call someone names. and please respect your elders you little twat.

maybe you should go back to school and learn MANNERS.



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