
Friday, February 18, 2011

Things I Wonder About....

there are a few things on my mind that i wonder or think a lot about.

yes i wonder about a lot of things.

1. have you realized that the mainstream songs that are released in the year 2011 are all sexual and cussing a lot?

2. you just gotta accept people for who they are even though there's gonna be lots of misunderstandings and gossiping that you'll hear about a certain person. NOBODY'S PERFECT, NEITHER ARE YOU!

3. learn to live more generously and always be prepare to help anyone who has difficulties.

4. Facebook is getting more and more retarded as they upgrade it.

5. when am i going back to Malaysia?

6. i need another job to keep me financially sufficient for myself.

7. when will i get a boyfriend so i can share my life with someone else.

8. i need to expand my circle of friends. i.e. be more sociable and talkative.

9. needs to focus on God.

10. needs to lose weight and eat more healthily.

That's all for now.



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