
Monday, August 27, 2012

Decisions, decisions.

Just over an hour ago, I heard gossips, negative comments, criticisms about my "stupid" decisions in life, almost assuring me that I will regret for the rest of my life coming from the next room. Even though she whispers, I can still hear her crystal clear.

I don't know what to feel, it is my decision, it is the path I chose, it could also be God's path for me. Whatever it is, I am most happy about the result of my decisions. In fact, I just put my trust in God and trust Him to lead me to wherever He wants me to be, whatever path He has chosen for me. 

I just don't get people, why they have to gossip about others' decisions and then commenting on how stupid that person is! It does not affect them, it does not concern them, it does not even require them to use their money! Yet they think they know it all so that they can judge what people do with their lives. 

I know, I think they are just bored and have nothing else to talk about so they chose to gossip about people instead of supporting them in the decisions they make. 

God I pray for these people, I pray that you will shine your light on them so that they can see in the darkness, so that they may learn to love their own family, instead of criticizing and commenting on everything, they stand up and support people who needs it, and banned their mouth from gossiping about others. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.


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